The Magical Return of Goddess Brigid
It is Imbolc. A day I have been waiting since the descent of the Sun King back in September. Waiting and yet living, fully immersed in the throes of winter, experiencing the sharpness of the frozen breeze, marvelling at the drizzle of icicles, witnessing the webs of spiders glistening in the winter sun, thawing as dew drops melt in the new day light.
I’ve experienced this Winter differently. Ever since I shifted my mindset about time, and began embodying the cyclical nature of seasons, life has exploded in technicolour, right infront of my eyes. Every new day brings with it a new mood, sometimes candles go up in my house, othertimes it’s a Ashwagandha and Shatavari milk brewing on the stove, there’s been bone broths, and warm knits, and countless hot water bottles. Woven within have been breathless kisses and warm hugs, Christmas lights, the colour of rainbows. There’s been warm Abhyanga massages, deep meaningful conversations, dreams of a new world and stories of Bride and the Cailleach. This Winter truly has been magical.
But the 1st of February marks a noticeable shift towards warmer, sunnier days. Step outside and you may just begin to see Crocuses and Snowdrops peaking their noble little heads, waking up from their deep slumber. Sometimes I lie with my face close to theirs asking them to tell me their dreams. What must they be dreaming in the depth of the Earth’s womb, what light must they be seeing as the sleep soundly. Slowly, deeply, I begin to sense their song, not so much in words, but in a language long lost, that is slowly being remembered.
I woke up this morning to a deep indigo sky, not a cloud in sight and with the faintest of lights colouring the horizon. I packed my bag with a candle, a jar of water, my tarot and matches and went joyfully into the forest. I hugged the first Oak I came upon, breathing a sigh of deep satiety, the soft green moss of his body brushing against my cheek, as though kissing me. Deeper I walked into the forest, bird song seranading me, the Moon growing larger as she sunk lower and lower, following perpetually in the footsteps of the Sun King.
The ground was soft, pine needles peppered my path, deep roots of mighty trees crisscrossed and wound their way, hugging the world, giving shape to our planet. This way and that way they grew, twining with eachother, in the greatest of dances, a little bit underground, a little bit overground, bringing wisdom of the great depth to whoever seeks the truth. Old forest, oh mighty trees, I silently prayed, remembering the time on the Full Moon night, when I wassailed the great Oak, Birch and Beech Trees.
I crossed a ridge and began walking up a gentle hill, where Scot’s Pine grew straight like arrows, the very tops of their 120 ft bodies glowing in the light of the rising Sun. The entire ground beneath me was spongey with millions of pine needs and miles and miles of velvety moss, softening my path, making me feel like I was being rolled up a carpet as I gently treaded upon this great Earth, towards my grove.
When I finally got there, it was exactly as I had left it, the shelter that I built with thick, fallen branches, still held their structure, despite wind, storms and rain. I inspected where some love was needed and promised to return soon to continue building this little hut of mine, my refuge. I remembered the times spent with friends, under the great big trees, eating mushrooms and telling stories.
It was here that I cast my circle, calling in the energies of the North, South, East and West and calling in Bride herself. I lit my candle and opened the jar of crystal clear water as the flame began illuminating the water as if by magic. I prayed, I meditated, I spoke to Goddess Brigid, the Goddess of Poetry, Smithcraft and Illumination. Her symbols are Fire and Water, indicating the return of the Vital Force of Energy, the ÉLAN VITAL that brings life and fertility to all things, animating the inanimate, as if breathing life into stone, breathing memories and stories and love.
Imbolc marks the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. It is one of the eight stations or sabats observed by those who follow the Earth path of Spirituality and has its roots in ancient Druidism, Celtic and Gaelic Paganism. Brigid is the Deity associated with Imbolc, she is the one who emerges out of the Cailleach, the ancient Crone Mother of Scotland, her one eye scanning the vast mountains of Cairngorns, clothing the world in the harshest of winters, forcing us to retreat, to take refuge in our sleep and dream the dream of Gaia. Brigid on the other hand is the symbol of eternal youth, of fertility, poetry, and light. She is the daughter of Dagda, the great God who brings the much needed inspiration to a thawing world. Trailing along in her footsteps are Snowdrops, nodding gently, perfuming the air with promise of a coming Spring.
The ancient peoples of Scotland, Ireland and Britain once honoured the awakening of Brigid, also called Bride often pronounded Breed, by cleaning their houses and sprinkling each room with holy water to make way for the arrival of the great Goddess. They would leave pieces of cloth outside to gather the blessings of Bride and dress in White. Magic spells would be spoken over bowls of crystal clear water and candles would be lit in every window to show Bride the way.
Imbolc means, “in the belly” and is associated with the milk of Ewes as the lambing season begins, announcing that Spring is on her way. Milk, motherhood, fertility, abundance, these are all the gifts of Bride, who fill our lives with joy and prosperity. Bride was so important to pagan people in ancient Britain, that when the Christian monks arrived, they could not erradicate her worship so instead were forced to adopt Bride who became St Brigit in Christianity. Interestingly, Candlemas, the Christian festival of presenting Baby Jesus in the temple, coincides with Imbolc, as so many other Christian festivals such as Christmas and Easter do, signifying the ever evolving nature of the Goddess, who may shapeshift, but is eternally present.
I am She
that is the natural
mother of all things,
mistress and governess
of all the elements,
the initial progeny of worlds,
chief of the powers divine,
Queen of all that are in the otherworld,
the principal of them
that dwell above,
manifested alone
and under one form
of all the Gods and Goddesses.
– Lucius Apuleius
How to Honour Bride This Imbolc
Purification Rituals
Clean and purify your home, it’s a sacred space for your life to unfold. Drop herbs in a big couldron of boiling water, herbs like Bay, Sage, Rosemary and Mugwort and watch as the water turns into a life-giving green. Transfer the water in a bucket and add some vinegar and a few drops of essential oils. Wash your home, your windows, doors, floors, kitchen couter tops and sinks. Bring sparkle and welcome light into your home.
Fire Ceremonies
Tell her stories, she wants to be remembered in all her forms. Often fires are lit during Imbolc, as this marks the first of the Fire Festivals of the Year. If you have the opportunity to light a fire, do so, even if this fire is in the form of a candle. Fire represents a metaphysical power, the force of vital life, and as such needs to be tended with great reverence and respect. Sadly in our modern life, we have forgotten that we are the cutodians of fire, those who protect and safeguard the earth, and instead have become lost in narratives and stories that have separated us from the great cosmic mother. Therefore, when you light a fire, think of all of humanity and pray that we return back to our knowing, to take upon ourselves to once again keep the sabat days holy. That we may finally return home to Earth in song and celebration.
The Blessing of Water
Fill a bowl of water and leave outside to be blessed. Water represents the ethereal womb, the holy space from where we receive our inspiration and form an understanding of our divine purpose. Water is where our dreams are birthed, where they find nurturance and sustance. Sprinkle this holy Water all over your home and anoint your body with it.
The Promise of a New Beginning
Plant seeds. The Earth is warming and preparing to birth life, gently place seeds that you would love to see in your garden. For me, I am planting wild flowers such as Red Campion, Queen Anne’s Lace, Scabiosa and Corncockle. I am also sowing herbs that will soon go in your medicine - Marshmallow, Lemon Balm and Meadowsweet. Seeds are a beautitul promise of something magical yet to happen, they hold the potential of vast joy in their tiny bodies, waiting to meet the warmth of Soil and Rain. If you are yet to grow anything from seed, now would be a wonderful time to get started. And to help you, I am sending seeds with every new order of my brand new Imbolc collection.
With much love, Happy Imbolc, love, Luchele x