Goddess Garden

Cultivating Herbs for your Yoni

Lost Village was yummy.

I broke my body to Techno, I rose up and spiralled, I ground my feet in the forest soil. My hair whipped my face in sharp tendrils, I danced the dance of creation.

The whole weekend I spent recovering and dancing, recovering and dancing and by the time I got home, my body was exhausted.

In order to expand we must first contract, go within and stay feral.

I wanted to keep the wild I had found, the wild I always find, in music and in trees that grow.

So I went into my garden and picked Lavender, Rosemary, Goldenrod, Lady’s Mantle, Wormwood and Mint.

I put a kettle to boil and began taking deep slow intentional breaths.

I poured the boiling water over the herbs that began perfuming the air with their aromatic oils. I put the bowl in my stool and removed the seat. I lowered myself close to the bowl, placing my yoni slightly above the bowl where immediately my yoni began sucking up the essential oils rising up as vapour.

Soft puffs of warm steam soothed my Yoni.

I lay like that feeling the herbs work their magick.

Lavender spun its cleansing spirit spiralling up within my Temple, making me sweat from the inside, sweat all the stuck and stagnant energy, rousing my life force. Rosemary became my shield of protection, allowing me to gently surrender myself. Goldenrod, a master cleanser and healer, flushing away old cells and birthing me anew. Lady’s Mantle, the alchemist’s precious medicine that transforms life force into Shen energy, Cosmic Power. Wormwood, an Artemesia, and one of the most powerful allies for Women’s bodies, helping cycles flow with the moon. And Mint, for stimmulation, sex and pleasure.

A sacred ritual full of pleasure, capable of transforming any mundane moment into a ceremony.


Village Witch


On Superficial Beauty